Ward programs
In partnerships with local organizations, Ward Church offers care and support programs and classes throughout the year, to help those who are hurting, grieving or recovering. See what’s available and if you have questions, reach out to our Care Department.
“Healing from depression and anxiety” support group: This support group happens periodically and is designed to help people process, heal and live with existing depression and anxiety. The cost is free and the class is led by a licensed professional counselor.
Grief to New Hope Workshop: If you or someone you know is grieving the death of a loved one, consider attending this free 8-week workshop presented by New Hope Center for Grief Support, a Christian-based bereavement outreach center.
Starting Again Support Group: Navigating through grief after the death of a spouse is incredibly difficult, but you don’t have to go through that process alone. Starting Again is a peer-led grief support program for widows and widowers, meeting every first and third Thursday. Join at anytime.
GriefShare 13-week support group: This is a great support group to join, no matter where you are on your grief journey. Join at any time during the 13-week sessions, starting June 3, 2023. Each session covers a different aspect of grief which you will find helpful and encouraging.
- Running Scared by Edward Welch
- You are Free by Rebekah Lyons
- Hope Prevails by Michelle Bengtson
- Depression by Edward Welch
- When Life Hurts by Jimmy Evans
- What to do when you don’t know what to do: Discouragement and Depression by Dr Cloud and Dr Townsend
- Defiant Joy by Stasi Eldridge
- When I don’t desire God: How to fight for Joy by John Piper
- Hope in the dark by Craig Groeschel
- Spiritual Depression by Martin Lloyd-Jones
- How do I overcome anxiety and depression? The Gospel Coalition
- Anthem of hope
- YMI: Podcasts on Anxiety and Depression
- The place we find ourselves
Local Counselors
Our Care Team is ready to help you find a counselor that fits you! Contact them about setting up a phone consult, so they can help determine your needs and provide you with a referral.
Email: care@ward.church
Phone: 248.374.5904 (ask for the Care Department or press 7 to leave a message)