Leading generations to

Live + Love Like Jesus

Join Us This Sunday

You're invited to Ward Church to make friends, discover your purpose, and make an impact.


SUNDAY // 9:00 AM

SUNDAY // 10:30 AM

Farmington Hills

SUNDAY // 10:30 AM


SUNDAY // 9:00 AM + 2:00 PM

SUNDAY // 10:30 AM + 4:00 PM

Featured News

UP: Seven Practices for Living and Loving Like Jesus

Sermon Series: September 29-November 10 Jesus was, among other things, a rabbi. Like other rabbis of his day, Jesus had apprentices or disciples who attached themselves to Jesus with one goal: to become like him. Living and loving like Jesus requires more than effort and will power. It requires training and transformation. How do you […]

Meet Ward Church

We're a multi-generational community that values

We're here to walk this journey with you.
  • Fun + Safe Place for Kids
  • Approx. 60-Minute Services
  • Space for Tough Questions
  • Extra-Mile Hospitality
  • Relevant and Engaging Teaching
  • Caring Community

Your path to connection + PUrpose

God created each of us unique. There is no manual for the perfect way to grow your faith. No one-size-fits-all. But there are things we can each do to move forward in our journey with God and others. Only you and God know your heart and where to go next.

1. Exploring

I am new to or curious about my faith.

2. Building

I am confident about my decision to follow Jesus and want to build a foundation for my faith.

3. Owning

I have a core foundation of my faith, and now I am finding where I fit as an active participant in the church.

4. Thriving

My faith is integrated into every part of my life and isn't tied to my circumstances.

What's Happening at Ward

Discover a life filled with

By joining Ward Church, you're not just attending a service; you're becoming part of a family that serves its community and makes a real impact.

A Sense of Belonging

When Robert Joyce and his wife, Sara, moved to Michigan from Texas, they wanted to quickly find a Christian community where they could find connection. Ward Church was the place where God led them and through serving and small groups, they have found community and so much more!

Growing As A Family

When the Krenz family moved back to Northville a few years ago, finding a church was a family decision. Parents Andrew and Krissie wanted a strong children’s program, where their kids could learn at their own level while parents attend the worship service. The vote to choose Ward was unanimous, admittedly, with the playscape bringing in the final ‘yes’ from their young son.

Finding Your Purpose

Rachel Sochacki is one of the co-leaders for Gateway 328, Ward's anti-human-trafficking ministry. When you talk to Rachel today about her ministry, her passion for human-trafficking victims is very evident. However, it was not always that way for Rachel. “The fear of the unknown, and the fear of what I’d experienced in another church first held me back from getting involved,” says Rachel. But God’s voice broke through to her during a worship service at Ward.

Your Journey Starts Here

In a world where loneliness and lack of purpose are all too common, it's easy to feel like you're navigating life's challenges alone. Explore our groups and other ministries to find your place.

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Ready to Live and Love Like Jesus?



Traditional: 9 a.m. + 2 p.m.
Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.
+ 4 p.m.


40000 Six Mile Rd
Northville, MI 48168

Phone: 248-374-7400
Fax: 248-374-3322

Traditional: 9 a.m.
Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.

Farmington Hills

27996 Halsted Rd
Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Phone: 248-482-7500

Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.

©2024 Ward Church. All rights reserved.
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Finding Your Purpose

Rachel Sochacki is one of the co-leaders for Gateway 328, the Ward anti-human-trafficking ministry. When you talk to Rachel today about her ministry, her passion for human-trafficking victims is very evident. However, it was not always that way for Rachel. But God’s still small voice called to her in a worship service, to do the unimaginable to bless others.

“The fear of the unknown, and the fear of what I’d experienced in another church first held me back from getting involved,” says Rachel Sochacki, but God’s voice broke through to her during an announcement in a Ward worship service.

“I learned from my mom to care for others, to stop worrying about Rachel. She set an example of caring for the underserved. We grew up in church and I knew Jesus from a young age, but after leaving home for college, I didn’t go to church. I became successful with my work. But I realized that my job was unending and would take everything from me if I allowed it. God began to say to me, Stop running! Is this bringing you joy?”

Rachel had been attending Ward for about a year when she heard about a project to help those caught in the sex slave industry, and she recognized that God was calling her to be on that team. She knew that God’s work could bring something new in her life that was missing.

Rachel experienced God’s help and presence during her trip to Thailand, working with Not Abandoned Ministry. “I was amazed to be able to completely be away from my work for two weeks. It was life changing to be so present.” The team reached out to women and girls exploited by the sex industry and trafficking. It was intimidating at first, but Rachel received so much joy knowing God was giving her words of hope for so many who felt hopeless.

“There are so many opportunities that continue from our trip,” she says. “I have new friendship with the team members. I have an expanded relationship with Ward. Most importantly, stories of these young women and others like them need to be told.” That’s why Ward hosted a seminar with Not Abandoned Ministry just before quarantine, sharing ways locally and globally to support the fight against human trafficking.

Rachel planned to join the Thailand team again last year, but like most events, the trip was cancelled.  “I wanted to go to Thailand – and was tempted to think I could no longer make an impact if I were here. And in this season, Satan wants us to be afraid and wants to put obstacles in our way. But we must think about how we can get creative and tap into the fire that God put in our hearts to make a difference.

In the fall of 2020, a team gathered to evaluate how to fight against sexual exploitation and trafficking in our own backyard. Rachel and the team prayed for God to show the way and connect them with the right partners, using the guiding verse “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28. The team has now partnered locally with All Worthy of Love, who do street outreach weekly in Detroit in Ypsilanti, building relationships, providing meals and care kits. Response to Gateway 328 has been incredible, and the team is excited to see what God will accomplish. As far as her work that was previously ‘everything?’ Rachel has a new perspective on how God has provided for her, in order for her to serve others.

If like Rachel, you’re afraid to get more involved or have had a bad prior experience, she says “Take the leap! Ward has built ministries that work for all generations. We have so much to learn from those who have gone before us. We have one strong community, and serving is the best way to connect. Each person I’ve met has helped me grow in a different way.”

Growing As A Family

When the Krenz family moved back to Northville a few years ago, finding a church was a family decision. Parents Andrew and Krissie wanted a strong children’s program, where their kids could learn at their own level while parents attend the worship service. The vote to choose Ward was unanimous, admittedly, with the playscape bringing in the final ‘yes’ from their young son.

As a full-time working mom of three, Krissie knows the struggle of finding time to serve. For her, carving out an hour on Sunday morning makes the most sense. “I know the fear of over-commitment, but any gift of service is welcomed. I started off serving every other week, and now serve every week. Everyone has been so welcoming, and it has been a great way for me to meet other Ward members.”

Krissie’s first step in volunteering was the check-in desk for WardKids Preschool. But as her familiarity and comfort has grown, she has begun helping in the classrooms as well. “It’s an important way to help young families by allowing them to attend worship without having to worry about their children,” she said.

When daughter Parker reached middle school last year, she decided to volunteer with young children in WardKids. “Parker is strong student leader in the 4s and young 5s classroom,” said Melissa Martin, WardKids Director of Early Childhood. “Krissie and Parker are such blessings to have on the WardKids Sunday morning preschool team.”

Parker has already demonstrated leadership skills, and kids happily follow her instructions. Her role as a big sister helped prepare her for working with younger children, and she has experienced God’s help in her role. “God has been patient with me, and that helps me to be patient with children,” said Parker.

Ward has seen a recent increase in families returning to the building on Sunday mornings, and as a result, more WardKids volunteers are needed. “It’s not for everyone,” says Parker, “But there’s something you can do. Just give something a try.”

A Sense of Belonging

When Robert and Sara Joyce moved to Michigan from Texas in 2015, they knew they needed to find community. Having both grown up in churches, they immediately began to search for a faith community where they could find connection. That led them to Ward Church’s Homebuilders Sunday Morning Group, a group for adults with young families. A key component of Homebuilders was serving – the group encouraged each other to find their niche.

Sara joined Ward Staff in a part-time role with WardKids and Robert quickly joined her as a volunteer with the first-grade small group. “That was a lot of fun, playing with the kids, doing the small group and watching them grow up,” said Robert. Along the way, he and Sara started building their own family, and they now have three kids of their own, Caroline (5.5), Mark (2.5) and Michael (9 months).

Then came COVID, and everything came to a sudden halt. When church began to open back up again, Robert considered what other work God might have in store for him in this next chapter. He reached out to Kristen Shunk, the guest services admin, to see where the need might be and he was directed toward being a shuttle driver on Sunday mornings. It has opened new doors of connection.

“I’ve really enjoyed getting here early, saying hi to people, joking around with people and hearing about how people’s lives are going in the morning,” says Robert, who says serving is a “win/win” because you are able to help others, but also broaden your own church network at the same time. “Serving at Ward is also an easy way to get plugged in. Plus, you get a name tag and free coffee!”

Another “win/win” for him: he gets to serve alongside his daughter, Caroline. “She wakes up every Sunday asking if we are driving the golf carts that day,” says Robert. “Carol Jacoby sent her a name tag so she feels like she is part of the team. She helps me get the golf cart out, carries the walkie-talkie, and attends the guest services start-up meetings.”

He sees the far-reaching impact this has had, not just in his relationship with his daughter, but also in her service to God. It has instilled in her a love of serving others and finding joy in work that blesses the Lord. “It is important that we do our part as the body of Christ to serve the church and it is fun to see how eager Caroline is to be a part of that service,” says Robert. “It is a blessing to me to see her serve with a joyful heart and I am excited to see how God uses her to serve the church in the future.”

Robert and Caroline’s enthusiasm for serving has not gone unnoticed by the team and it’s been inspiring for so many others to witness every month. “Robert and his daughter, Caroline, show up enthusiastically to serve during their twice-a-month shuttle drive,” says Kristen Shunk. “They greet each person with a warm smile, good-natured laugh and a bit of a lead foot.”

Choose Your Campus


Traditional Service
Sundays at 9 a.m.
Contemporary Service
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Farmington Hills

Contemporary Service
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.


Traditional Service
Sundays at 9 a.m. + 2 p.m.
Contemporary Service
Sundays at 10:30 a.m. + 4 p.m.