June 7, 2023 Annual Meeting – See the results!

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Thank you to everyone who attended the June 7, 2023 Annual Meeting of Ward Church. We look forward to this Sunday’s Celebration Sunday when we will celebrate with stories, videos, songs, a look-back on a year worth remembering and a look-ahead to what God will do next in and through us!

Results from 2023 Annual Meeting

The following motions were approved:

Approve and receive the minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting held June 8, 2022 – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED

Affirmation of 2023 Nominees – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED

The Nominating Committee recommended the following candidates for office in the 2023-24 ministry year:


Rill Currie
Deanna Hatmaker
Adam Stratton
Jaymes Wainright


Beth Bruns
Kara Burns
Ingrid Frankovics
Raeann Neil
Kathy Skupski
Sue Tranquilla
Glenn Trevisan
Rachel Villaroman
Erin Walkowicz
Marc Walkowicz


Peggy Hoekstra
Daniel Mahlmeister
David Morland
Ron Paradowicz


Jane Black
Margaret Hermatz
Elaine Kamen
Ben Mungai
Carol Nowacki
Rebecca Park
Peter Tassi

  • Affirmation of Wayne Byrum as Ruling Elder (non-Session member) – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED
  • Adoption of the 2023/2024 fiscal year budget of $4,900,000 – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED

By-law Changes (See details in the 2023 Meeting Guide via the download below):

  • Article II – Membership – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED
  • Article III – Annual Meeting Date – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED
  • Article IV – Compensation Approval Clarification – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED
  • Article VI – Number of Elders on Session – MOTION WAS SUSTAINED

Read the Reports

To review the budget for the 2023-24 year, read Ministry Reports, and read the bios of this year’s candidates, download the digital versions of the June 7 meeting guide and 2023 Annual Report.

Annual Report

Download printable PDF

Meeting Guide

Download printable PDF


Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Annual Meeting?

Wednesday evening, June 7, 7 p.m., in-person in Knox Hall and by Zoom (for Ward members).

Who should attend the meeting?

All formal members of Ward Church. Anyone who is not a member may still be a non-voting participant.

How do I access the Zoom meeting?

Members received an email with the link to join the meeting.

What if I don’t have a computer, smart phone, or tablet?

Members will be able to join by phone. The number to call is included in the email with the Zoom meeting link.

How will I vote on Zoom?

Voting will take place electronically during the meeting. You can place your vote easily with a click of the mouse, or a press of button.

What if there is more than one Ward Church member in my family? Can we each vote?

It depends on whether you attend in person or by Zoom.

If you are in person, any member present can vote by voice vote.

If you are joining by Zoom, each member needs their own device (computer, tablet, or smart phone) in order to be able to vote. We recognize that this makes sharing a computer difficult if couples or families want to register separate votes. If you view the agenda in advance and determine the votes within your household would not vary, you may use one device, one vote.

Will I be able to ask a question or speak to a motion?

If you are attending in person, there will be microphones available for you to ask any questions.

If you are attending by Zoom, you will be able to type your question or comment in the chat, or hit the “raise your hand” button to be called upon to speak. When called upon, you’ll need to “unmute” yourself in order to be heard. If possible, please enable your video while asking a question so you may be seen and heard.

What is on the agenda?

Physical copies of the meeting guide and annual report will be available. You can download the digital versions above.

Other things happening at Ward

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Northville, MI 48168

Phone: 248-374-7400
Fax: 248-374-3322

Traditional: 9 a.m.
Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.

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Farmington Hills, MI 48331

Phone: 248-482-7500

Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.

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Sundays at 9 a.m. + 2 p.m.
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Sundays at 10:30 a.m. + 4 p.m.