Keep those questions coming! Many of you have already sent your tough questions about life and faith to toughquestions@wardchurch.org for possible selection for our current Tough Questions sermon series. Last Sunday, we explored the question, Why is There Suffering? I gave my best shot at engaging this question honestly in the 30 minutes allotted to me. Want to explore this question further? I recommend a message by Lee Strobel given at one of our sister churches in Colorado this summer after the movie theater massacre. It is one of the best expositions on tragedy that I have ever heard.
Two other recommended resources for tough questions:
- On the web, check out the Answers to Tough Questions website, http://questions.org/.
- At the bookstore or library, check out Tim Keller’s book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.
This Sunday, we will look at the question, “Would a loving God send people to hell?” I hope you can join us at any one of our five Sunday morning services.
Lastly, on this anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, I encourage you to stop right now for a moment of prayerful reflection. Remember all those who grieve. Reflect on the fragility of life and the goodness of God. Pray for the peace of God to replace hatred and hostility in our word. Thank God for His love and mercy.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday if not before. This is launch week. There is still time to get in on the first WOW Women classes tonight and the first Midweek Bible Study or Financial Peace University tomorrow night. Details are all on Ward website: www.wardchurch.org.