Prayer and Fasting

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I prayed for you this week.   As I explained on Sunday in my message, “The Deal On Fasting,” the Elders of Ward Church are calling the congregation to a 40-day season of prayer and fasting starting this week.  The principle purpose of this call to prayer is a new ministry season which begins in September.  We want to be ready for anything God may want to do in us and through us this year.  However, your participation in the 40-days of prayer and fasting may be more personal.  Some of you are facing life-altering decisions.  Some of you are in painful relationships and don’t know what to do.   Some of you are desperate for guidance.  Over and over again in Scripture we see people using fasting, silence, and solitude for the purpose of more clearly discerning the will of God.

 My plan, which I shared on Sunday, is to pray for one of the five focus areas below each week for the next five weeks.

  1. Our congregation: That we would grow more in love with Jesus and with each other.
  2. Our church leaders: That they would be attuned to the Holy Spirit.
  3. Our neighborhoods: That people would know God’s provision, healing, and salvation.
  4. Our programs: That our programs would help people experience Jesus and life in His kingdom more fully.  That the work of planning and funding would be effective. 
  5. Our ministry year:  That this ministry year would be an amazing adventure in the Spirit.  That God would accomplish astounding works in us and through us over the next 12 months. 

As you can see, this week I am praying for you — the congregation — and for your growing love for Jesus and for each other.  It is my privilege to pray. 

I’d love to hear about your prayer and fasting plans and experiences over these next 40-days.  Fasting is an ancient, but little practiced, spiritual discipline.   Please share your stories of success or failure or confusion.  We can help each other.

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Northville, MI 48168

Phone: 248-374-7400
Fax: 248-374-3322

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Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.

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Phone: 248-482-7500

Contemporary: 10:30 a.m.

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