Seeking the Next Generation of Leadership for Ward Church
Each year at this time, our church undergoes the important task of choosing officers for the new year. The Nominations Committee invites your recommendations for elders, deacons, trustees, and nominations committee. Submit your recommendations using the online form between February 1 and February 15, 2025. Our selection of officers is confirmed through the following process:
The Nominating Committee selects candidates after much prayer and discussion. The committee welcomes written suggestions from the congregation during its deliberations.
The candidates evaluate themselves and their sense of call. But the candidate’s sense of call alone is not enough.
The current ruling session must examine candidates for the office of Elder and Deacon.
The congregation must confirm the selection by voting for the candidates at the Annual Congregational Meeting in June.
As you can see, the process of officer selection is accomplished with much prayer, thought and consideration. There are three “offices” in a church with a Presbyterian form of government: Teaching Elders (pastors), Ruling Elders, and Deacons. Teaching and Ruling Elders are known as Presbyters and share in the governing of the church. They form the Board of Elders, also known as the Session. In addition to these offices, Ward Church also has a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees oversees the facilities and finances of the church. Our Nominating Committee is currently seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: Elder, Deacon, Trustee, and Nominating Committee. Church membership is required for all of these positions. Ward members and attendees are encouraged to submit names of qualified candidates for consideration. Nominations will be open through February 15, 2025.
Position Descriptions
Before you submit a recommendation, please read these descriptions to gain an in-depth understanding of what type of individual is best-suited for each position.
- Our mission.
- Our resources.
- Our doctrine.
- Have their hand on the pulse of the congregation
- Have their hand on the pulse of the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures
- Have their hand on the pulse of the culture
- Wisdom
- Discernment
- Leadership
- Teaching
- Character
- Competence
- Chemistry
- Courage
- Calling
- Pray for these requests for one week. The requests come from the Sunday Service Communication Cards, emails, our website, app and other forms of internet contact.
- Where possible, send an email acknowledging that you prayed for their request. If an email is not possible, it is suggested that either a phone call be made or a note be mailed.
- Contact those in need to offer your prayers and support
- Make personal visits to homes, convalescent centers, hospitals and funeral homes
- Send appropriate cards
- Follow up based on the length of the need The Care Needs Requests are communicated electronically and require Deacons to use email and be trained on Ward's MinistryPlatform web-based software.
- Support communion services twice per year by assisting with the preparation of the elements to be served and clean up of same following the distribution (approximately a two-hour commitment on a Communion Sunday). A sign-up sheet to schedule times and dates will be provided at the initial program year Deacon Board Meeting.
- Attend all Board Meetings. There are typically seven scheduled Monday evening meetings per year.
- Shepherding
- Mercy
- Helps
- Attend Deacon Board meetings
- Participate in Deacon training sessions
- Serve on either the Prayer Team or the Care Needs Team.
- Support the Communion Team by working with the team on two (2) communion Sundays per year. This entails the preparation of the elements for serving and cleanup afterwards.
- Facilities (building and property)
- Provide and maintain space buildings and grounds for growing ministry needs.
- Financial Systems
- Provide for a system of financial record keeping that is accurate and ethical.
- Advise the session in the development of an annual budget.
- Provide opportunities and counsel regarding special gifts (wills, bequests, stock transfer, etc.)
- Manage the investments of the church
- Assist in the stewardship education efforts of the church.
- Keep the session and the congregation informed regarding church finances.
- Legal Affairs
- Ensure that all dealings of the church comply with national, state, and local laws.
- Oversee issues of payroll and taxation.
- Secure Legal Representation as necessary
- Select and review Insurance Policies