Written by Barry McKenna
This past week, I received a “matching gift” donation from an employer on behalf of one of their employees. Although this company had a restriction against supporting religious organizations, (i.e. Ward Church) they were willing to give a matching gift to Ward in support of one of our ministry partners, in this case our Open Doors work through Central Detroit Development Corporation.
Perhaps the company you work for offers a similar matching gift program to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift!
Many employers will not match donations made directly to houses of worship, but will match donations made to institutions affiliated with houses of worship that provide a service to community members regardless of religious beliefs.
Want to multiply your charitable giving impact? Perhaps it would be worth your while to check with your company’s HR department and become familiar with any programs your company may be offering.
Questions? Please feel free to contact me: barry.mckenna@ward.church | 734.355.6819