As I promised, I am praying for you this week — that God will break your heart (and mine) for some aspect of this broken world. Strange prayer? Not at all. Great works of God often begin with a broken heart. Ask Nehemiah, who wept and mourned over the news of the broken walls of Jerusalem. His broken heart led to a massive and successful rebuilding effort that not only restored the walls of the city, but restored the hope of the people and lifted high the name and reputation of God.
Nehemiah didn’t do it alone. The people rallied and “worked with all their heart” (Nehemiah 4:6). They were all in! Nehemiah’s story is a testimony of what can be accomplished when everyone works together.
It’s not too late to join us in our church-wide reading of the Book of Nehemiah using the free 40-day journey published by the American Bible Society. If you missed Sunday’s launch to the Nehemiah sermon series, Brick by Brick: The Power of Everyone, you can watch it online. You may also want to check out the newly revamped Ward website, www.wardchurch.org, and explore its new features.
Prayer of the week: “God break my heart for the things that break your heart. Show me what part of this broken world you want me to fix. Guide me. Amen.”