Our congregation is working through the Arts of Spiritual Conversations from Q Place. These nine surprisingly simple practices build a foundation of relational trust and open the gateway for conversations about God to unfold naturally. You can catch up on the Sunday Sermon Series online. The group curriculum is also available as a download from the web.
For now, take a moment to perform a self-assessment on the nine Arts. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 = totally satisfied, 1 = not satisfied at all) with your own personal performance. Just taking the assessment will help you understand and keep these practices in mind.
- Noticing those around me and paying close attention to what God might be doing in their lives.
- Praying for those I meet in my day-to-day life and asking to show me what he wants me to do to bless them.
- Listening with genuine care, interest, and empathy as I interact with others without editorializing or offering my own unsolicited opinions.
- Asking Questions that arise from genuine curiosity, drawing others out with great questions.
- Loving others authentically because I personally know God’s love and see them with his eyes.
- Welcoming people by valuing their presence so that they feel they belong.
- Facilitating good discussions in a group setting so that every person feels honored and respected, even when they believe differently from me.
- Serving Together, gathering people to serve and know God and each other better through service.
- Sharing my own story, learning others’ stories, and expressing God’s story of forgiveness through Jesus in a way that is respectful and meaningful.