New Sermon Series starting September 8-22
Jesus was, among other things, a rabbi. Like other rabbis of his day, Jesus had apprentices or disciples who attached themselves to Jesus with one goal: to become like him. Apprentices would spend every waking moment with their rabbi—sleeping at his side, eating at his table, sitting at his feet—and end up, after long hours walking behind him from town to town, covered in his dust. In fact, there was an old blessing, “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi!” The Hebrew word, talmid, could be translated disciple, student, learner, or apprentice. The most helpful image and perhaps the better translation may be “apprentice.” We are going to apprentice with Jesus. We are going to spend time with him and do the things he did, so that we can become more like him.
Our fall series broken up into two separate, but related, sermon series. The first few weeks (Apprenticing with Jesus) serve as an introduction while we recruit and build up our small groups for the main event (Up: Seven Practices for Living and Loving Like Jesus).
- September 8: Be with Jesus
- September 15: Become like Jesus
- September 22: Do what Jesus did
Sermon-based discussion questions will be emailed out each week, for groups who plan to meet during the Apprenticing with Jesus series. Sign-up to receive questions.
You can learn more about the entire plan for fall small groups and how to get involved in the “Up” series on our Small groups webpage.