Faith, wisdom and life should be passed from one generation to the other.
As a congregation blessed with a wide range of generations, we understand our baby boomers and beyond face unique challenges and opportunities. Rev. Doug Thompson is excited to begin dedicating his knowledge, care and vision to serve, specifically, adults age 65+ at a greater capacity. Rev. Doug Thompson has been serving Ward Church for over 30 years. He will report directly to our executive pastor, Dr. Tyler Groff and will partner with our hard-working Care Ministry team. We had an opportunity to sit down with Pastor Doug and capture some of his excitement for this new endeavor.
Q: What have you seen are some of the biggest needs or challenges for the community of adults 65+ here at Ward?
A: I don’t think anyone appreciates being pigeon-holed into a category which may imply negative connotations. As the body ages, physical adaptability decreases. Many seniors feel ignored, disrespected, unwanted… (except for their money). Many want to do more, but do not know what is wanted or needed in our community of faith, or the greater community. We see the ways we are blessed by this vibrant community of adults 65+ who have so much to share and do for the glory of God.
Q: What are some common misconceptions about our senior community?
A: In our culture, youth is everything and adults 65+ are categorized as old, slow, and irrelevant. However, many are involved in the lives of their children or grandchildren, or invest in their community in and outside the church. There are many who still work, either full or part-time. They are not simply relaxing at home or playing golf out on the course – they’re contributing!
Q: Could you share with us a little bit of your vision for this season?
A: Someone once said somewhere, a very long time ago, “If you ain’t dead, you ain’t done.” I believe our God has invested in us, so that we may reflect His will and purposes in our lives to our families and those closest to us, to our neighbors or colleagues, to our friends, to our community and to our world. We are an army of folks with scars who want to make life better for those who follow us and succeeding generations. Part of my vision is changing the mentality of our church culture and culture-at-large to offer respect for every age and give the glory to God alone.