I’ve Got Questions!
An Advent Sermon Series 2024
We often are led to believe that questions about faith are off limits, and yet the Bible is full of questions. The questions of the Bible are our questions: “How long, O Lord?” “Why have you forsaken me?” The Christmas story should raise a lot of questions. Think about it: Christmas is a celebration of the God who made all things becoming human, born to an unmarried couple, and dwelling among us. Christmas is the wonderful story of Jesus, the Son of God, who is “God with us.” Like the original cast of Christmas you might be thinking, “I’ve got questions!”
December 1: “How Can I Be Sure?” (Luke 1:5-25)
December 8: “How Will This Be?” (Luke 1:26-35)
December 15: “Where is He?” (Matthew 2:1-12)
December 22: “What Shall We Call Him?” (Matthew 1:18-25)
Christmas Eve: “They wondered…”. (Luke 2:1-20)