Saturday night’s heavy winds knocked out the power at our house. The woman on the DTE call line told us that we could expect our power to be restored Monday night and promised that crews were working as quickly as possible. We borrowed a small generator to power a few essentials, including the fish tank (frozen fish make kids sad). Everyone pitched in to run extension cords, replace batteries in flashlights, and light candles. We decided we would all sleep in the family room with our sleeping bags. I started a fire in the fireplace and someone suggested making smores. I actually started to get excited about our plans. It would be like a campout! I was proud of the way the whole family problem solved and worked together. No sooner had we finished all the preparations when suddenly the power came on – 30 hours earlier than promised. I admit I was a little disappointed. Everybody slept in their own beds and I didn’t get any smores.
A crisis, glitch, or problem can be good for a family or group or church. It draws out creativity. It demands teamwork. It requires perspective. Every time things don’t go our way we have an opportunity to practice contentment (Philippians 4:11-12; 1 Timothy 6:6) and joy.
I am praying for the families and groups of Ward Church. May creativity, teamwork, perspective, and joy flow through us all to the glory of God!
A few reminders before Sunday:
- Financial Peace University starts this week. You can take this class on Wednesdays or Saturdays. It is not too late to register.
- Nominations are open for elder, deacon, trustees, and nominations committee until February 1. To learn more and/or to submit names, go the Nominations Page.
I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday.